How Low-Carb Diet is Popular for Weight Loss?


How Low-Carb Diet is Popular for Weight Loss?

A low carb diet is a diet with limited carbohydrates generally used for losing weight. Low carb diets are famous for decades. They had been criticized at first but now it has gained popularity in the food industry. The low carb diets are more effective in weight loss as compared to the low- fat diets. They also promoted numerous health markers, such as blood triglycerides, cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. In this article, I will be discussing how a low-carb diet is popular for weight loss and how one can lose weight while eating delicious and nutritious food that will keep you satisfied for hours.

If you want to learn about the best and worst foods for promoting weight loss then keep reading! When you opt for a low carb diet it reduces your appetite and causes automatic weight loss. However, the number of carbs intake by a person depends upon the age, sex, body type, and other factors.

But Why we Need to Lower the Intake of Carbs?

According to The National Center for Health Statistics carb intake for men is 46.4% kilocalories, while for women is 48.4% kilocalories. While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests an intake of 300 g per day.

Recent research has proven that a diet with low carb could be effective in losing weight. Low- Carb diet restricts the diet which contains sugars and starches like pasta and breads and replaces them with healthy fats, vegetables and, proteins.

Foods to Consume in Low-Carb Diet

If you are following a low carb diet you have to replace your sugar and starch meal menu to low carbs and nutritious meal. Below mentioned are some of the foods that one must consume while sporting a low- carb diet:

  • Fish and Seafood
  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • Cheese
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • High- fat dairy
  • Nuts and berries

While in drinks use:

  • Water
  • Coffee
  • Bone broth
  • Tea

Foods to Avoid in Low-Carb Diet

Here is the list of food which you should avoid in Low- carb diet:

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Donuts
  • Candies
  • Chocolates
  • Beer
  • Sodas and juices

Types of Low-Carb Diet

As discussed above the low carb diet had been highly controversial in the last few decades but now with the proven facts of the effectiveness of a low carb diet, it has gained popularity especially among women. Now let’s discuss the types of various low- carb diets.

1. A Classic Low- Carb Diet

A classic low- carb diet has no universal definition. Health scientists just refer to this classic low- carb diet as a carb- restricted diet. This diet focuses on the intake of fish, nuts, eggs, seeds, vegetables, and fruits and restricts high carb meals like grains, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, starchy vegetables, and junk food.

2. Low- Carb, High Fat Diet (LCHF)

LCHF stands for Low- Carb, High Fat diet. This type of low- carb diet focuses on unprocessed foods. It emphasizes mainly on meats, fish, eggs, healthy fats, dairy products, nuts, and berries. The recommended carb intake on this diet ranges from 20–100 grams per day.

3. Low- Carb Paleo Diet

It is one of the types of low- carb diet and it is one of the most popular diets among the people. As the name refers to ‘Low- carb Paleo Diet’, this diet focuses on foods that were available in the Paleolithic Era that was before the agriculture and industrial revolutions.

Research has shown that the paleo diet helps in reducing weight, blood sugars, and also improves risk factors for heart disease. It also emphasizes on fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, tuber, seeds, and nuts.

4. Zero Carb Diet

Zero Carb diet is also one of the popular low- carb diets that help in losing weight rapidly. This low- carb diet named ‘Zero carb’ includes only animal foods. If you also want to choose a zero carb diet for weight loss, eat fish, eggs, and animal fats like butter and lard. While zero carb diet has been criticized because it does not contain some important nutrients for a healthy body like Vitamin C and fiber. For this reason, most health scientists do not recommend it.

If you are looking to pick a low- card diet, choose a plan that correlates with your lifestyle, body type, and food preferences.


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